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When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Do Genealogy

Well, we made it past the neighborhood bully that was 2020 into the safety and warmth of Mother's arms:  2021!  But is it really okay here?  For me, 2021 hasn't quite made me feel at home just yet.  Already our family has been hit with terrible news more consistent with 2020's hard knocks.  If I'm being honest, it doesn't feel like a new start, but more of the same!   Except, it won't be the same for me when it comes to genealogy.  This year will be GREAT! I am confessing to a not-so-hot year for my go-to diversion.  Aside from an early success using DNA to reasonably make a case in identifying a great-great-grandfather, my genealogy front in 2020 was rather bleak and de-motivating.  There was an issue with not having enough time (apparently a side effect of not being independently wealthy), but I also just felt scattered and non-productive, clicking on the usual websites without inspiration or purpose.  I was in a fog, the cloud of...

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